1:1 Energy Coaching

$588.89 AUD

Book a 1:1 session with Ariel Niu.


Become intentional and confident in yourself and within all personal, social, and professional interactions.


  • Self Image - embrace who you are now, while actualizing your potential.
  • Social Presence - refine your demeanor, and develop confidence with your presence.
  • Interactions - learn how to influence and navigate interactions with charm, ease, and flow.


Included: mini energy reading during the call if you are curious, recording/summary of our session, my social dynamics guide, and a personalized report of your unique abilities.


How it works:

  1. Fill out a form at checkout.
  2. Schedule a day/time for our video call. Sessions are 45min long.
  3. Your order is for 1 session. Options for recurring sessions will be provided after our first session together.


Email contact@arielniuviews.com if you have any questions.

More details

I help my clients refine their self and social identity through understanding the self, and becoming skillful with energy (thoughts, emotions, intentions, state of being, translating into outer expressions - facial expressions, body language, words, delivery, behaviours, actions).


The core of my guidance is mastering intention, breathing, and balance to directly influence whomever and whatever we interact with.


I go within for all answers. If you are curious about my wellness and meditative practices, or my visions and ideologies human energetics, book this call to chat with me.


When you purchase products and services from Ariel Niu @niu.views, you agree that you have read and understand the details of the disclaimer, agree to the disclaimer, and release @niu.views and Ariel Niu of any and all liability/responsibility for any actions or in-actions:

Any abuse or harassment in all live sessions with Ariel Niu will not be tolerated and subject(s) will be removed immediately with no refunds. Any cancellations or no-shows for all live sessions with Ariel Niu will not be refunded. All Ariel Niu @niu.views products and services are offered for informational and entertainment purposes only and are not a substitute for legally recognized professional services of any type, including medical, legal, or psychological. These products and services do not in any way, constitute legal, financial, or professional advice. These products and services do not diagnose illnesses, including questions pertaining to pregnancy and death. We will not be liable for the death or personal injury resulting from the negligence on our behalf, or for fraudulent misrepresentation. All information supplied are absolutely confidential, and we will never, under any circumstances, disclose, sell, or trade your personal information.