Energy Reading


Get a personal energy reading from Ariel Niu.


Get to know 9+ unique ways you naturally express yourself and relate to others/the world (e.g. your charisma, your public vs private self, social/relationship tendencies, workplace tendencies, strengths and weaknesses, etc.). I also address 1 personal situation per reading.



  • Energy Reading Video
  • Energy Reading Guide (referencing astrology)
  • Personalized report of your unique super abilities


How it works:

  1. Fill out a form at checkout.
  2. Include your birth date/city/time (approx time is okay). You may also add a second birth date/city/time and ask me to speak on your compatibility.
  3. Your ~15-20min video will be emailed to you within 20 days.


See details below. Email for any questions.

More details

I tune into both the practical and spiritual in everything I share. Finding a balance within these two approaches creates flow in our day-to-day living and interactions.


A birth chart is an incredibly practical map for understanding the self. Learn the foundations of astrology to use it practically in life.


Our base energy is a blend of all the ways we naturally express ourselves and behave (e.g. inner emotions, public presence, thinking/speaking, taking action, connecting with others...etc). I reference the blends of elements/signs/planets in your birth chart and your form submission for your reading.


To exercise your expressions, try coaching with me.


When you purchase services from Ariel Niu @niu.views, you agree that you have read and understand the details of the disclaimer, agree to the disclaimer, and release @niu.views and Ariel Niu of any and all liability/responsibility for any actions or in-actions:

All Ariel Niu @niu.views coaching and energy reading services including documentations are offered for informational and entertainment purposes only and are not a substitute for legally recognized professional services of any type, including medical, legal, or psychological. These videos do not in any way, constitute legal, financial, or professional advice. These videos do not diagnose illnesses, including questions pertaining to pregnancy and death. We will not be liable for the death or personal injury resulting from the negligence on our behalf, or for fraudulent misrepresentation. All information supplied are absolutely confidential, and we will never, under any circumstances, disclose, sell, or trade your personal information.